Students celebrate Children’s Dental Health Month at Massa Dental Clinic


HOT SPRINGS – The youngerlearnersofEdgemont Elementary School, including kindergarteners, first graders, and second graders, visited Massa Dental in Hot Springs on February 8. This visit was part of a broader initiative to celebrate National Children’s Dental Health Month, observed throughout February, aiming to spotlight the importance of oral health in children.

Cavities, known scientifically as caries or tooth decay, are the most prevalent chronic disease among children in the United States. Despite their widespread occurrence, cavities are largely preventable, making awareness and education critical from an early age. According to the CDC, children who suffer from poor oral health tend to miss more school days and, consequently, receive lower grades compared to their peers with healthier dental routines.

Recognizing the vital role of early dental hygiene education, Massa Dental extends its invitation to young students from Edgemont, Hot Springs, and Oelrichs each year. The goal is to provide these children with a foundational understanding of oral health practices that can prevent cavities and promote overall well-being.

The students were treated to a tour of Massa Dental’s facilities during their visit. They had the opportunity to meet and interact with dental hygienists and dentists who shared valuable tips on maintaining good dental hygiene. These tips included daily brushing and flossing techniques, the importance of regular dental check-ups, and choosing healthy foods that are less likely to cause tooth decay.

“We are very grateful we get to take our kids each year to the dentist’s office. They’re so good at working with our young learners,” explains elementary Edgemont teacher Pam Koller. She continues, “I think it’s just really important for their health, and it’s nice for the students to have a fun experience at the dentist, so they are not afraid when they come back to the dentist for a visit.”

To make the experience even more memorable, each child was gifted a goodie bag at the end of the visit. These bags were filled with dental care essentials to encourage the young students to apply what they learned at home.

As February continues to be a month dedicated to raising awareness about children’s dental health, the collaboration between schools like Edgemont Elementary and practices like Massa Dental highlights the community’s commitment to ensuring the well-being of its youngest members. Through education and preventive care, the aim is to see a future where childhood cavities become a rarity rather than the norm.